ABOUT Streptopelia turtur

Migratory (spring: mid-April – early May and autumn: August – September) and breeding species in Cyprus and the Akamas peninsula. It overwinters along a line just below sub-Saharan Africa. It migrates and breeds in Europe, a large part of north Africa Asia (western, SW almost to central).

A rather smallish dove, with a very fast, spasmodic flight. It prefers to breed in forested areas and other open areas with trees and bushes, including agricultural areas. Its rich coloring, with orangey-blonde back with black speckles, grey head, pink-purplish chest and streaked black and white patch on the sides of the neck.

It still belongs to the game birds of Cyprus (in autumn) and for that reason, along with habitat destruction and change, illegal trapping and hunting along its migration routes, there is a dramatic decline on its population in Europe the last few decades.

Streptopelia turtur

European Turtle Dove

Did you know...

There is a dramatic decline on its population in Europe the last few decades.