ABOUT Circus pygargus

A passing migrant mainly in spring (April) and less so in autumn (end of August – mid-September) through Cyprus and Akamas peninsula. It’s observed singly, usually flying over open areas with a low, fast flight, with frequent sudden changes in direction, short hovering and sudden dive when it spots prey, or soaring higher taking advantage of the thermals.

It prefers open areas with low vegetation (brushwood, grasslands, agricultural areas etc.). It feeds mostly with small mammals, birds and big insects. It’s very similar in size and proportions with the Pallid Harrier. The male has a very dark grey body above and grey-bluish underbody. In flight it shows a distinctive greyish upper body with slightly paler wings that have a black marking (line) and extensive black wing tips (primaries).

On the underside it shows a grey-bluish body that becomes progressively paler (almost whitish) towards the belly, with two black markings (lines) on each wing and brownish-red stripes, alongside with the extensive black wing tips.The female is very similar to the females of the Hen and Pallid Harrier, but slightly paler with more obvious stripes.

Circus pygargus

Montagu’s Harrier

Did you know...

It’s very similar in size and proportions with the Pallid Harrier.