A passing migrant mainly in spring (March – April) and less so in autumn (end of August – September) through Cyprus and the Akamas peninsula. It’s observed individually, usually flying over open areas with a low, fast flight, with frequent sudden changes in direction, short hovering and sudden dive when it spots prey, or soaring higher taking advantage of the thermals.
It prefers open areas with low vegetation (brushwood, grasslands, agricultural areas etc.). It feeds mostly with small mammals, birds and big insects. It’s slightly smaller than the Hen Harrier, but slimmer with more slender wings and narrower, longer tail.
The male has a very light grey body on the upperside and white on the underside, with black wing tips in a V shape. The female is very similar to the females of Hen and Montagu’s Harrier, with a characteristic light beige neck ring.
Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 15:00
Sun: closed