ABOUT Parus major

A resident bird of Cyprus and the Akamas. It’s a very common and widespread species, found almost everywhere, in all types of habitats, from open areas with few trees, bushes, orchards, forests of all types, inside villages and cities. It’s usually observed in pairs or small family groups, looking for food on trees, bushes and on the ground. It feeds on insects, fruits and other plant-origin food.

It is often very courageous, coming quite close to humans when it does not feel threatened. It is particularly “vocal” and has a large and rich repertoire.

It nests in holes in trees, in walls and wherever there is an available hole of suitable size, even in pipes, and it goes easily into artificial nests. It lays a quite large number of eggs, ranging from 5 to 12, sometimes more. It is the largest species of the (Paridae – Tit) family, about the size of a sparrow.

It has a somewhat rounded body with a relatively long and thin tail, a short, thin but strong, black bill. Its color is yellow below (belly), with a distinctive black dividing strip in the center. Above its back is an olive shade, with white bands on the wings. Its head and throat are dark black with characteristic, large white cheeks.

Parus major

Great Tit

Did you know...

Its head and throat are dark black with characteristic, large white cheeks.