ABOUT Falco peregrinus

A resident bird of Cyprus and the Akamas peninsula, although some individuals from northern and central Europe and Asia are passing migrants or occasional winter visitors.

It’s seen singly or in pairs, usually in areas with rocky outcrops, cliffs, gorges etc., from sea level to the higher elevations of the island. It’s considered to be the fastest bird on the planet, able to reach speeds of 360 km/h during its stoops. It generally has a very fast and powerful flight style.

It feeds mainly on birds, of a wide range in species, hitting them mostly in flight. It nests in recesses on inaccessible rocky sites, mainly on cliffs.

It’s a medium-large falcon, with a bulky body. It has a grey-black upper body, with a broad dark moustache, a white throat, white or with brownish-red tint breast and belly with dense horizontal stripes. The female is significantly larger than the male.

Falco peregrinus

Peregrine Falcon

Did you know...

It nests in recesses on inaccessible rocky sites, mainly on cliffs.