ABOUT Falco naumanni

Passing migrant (in spring: March – April and autumn: end of August – September) through Cyprus (and Akamas peninsula). It overwinters in sub-Saharan Africa and migrates in southern and SE Europe, western to almost central Asia and part of NW Africa to breed. Usually in flocks of a few individuals to a few dozen and sometimes mixing with other migrating falcon species.

A medium-small falcon, with tile brown back and blue-grey head, pale beige underparts (the male). Very similar looking to the Common Kestrel. Males differ by the spotless upper parts, lack of facial moustache and the much less spotted underparts (Lesser Kestrel). It feeds mostly on large insects, taken either in flight or on the ground.

Falco naumanni

Lesser Kestrel

Did you know...

It feeds mostly on large insects, taken either in flight or on the ground.