ABOUT Buteo buteo

A passing migrant during spring (March – April) and autumn (September – October) and winter visitor in Cyprus and the Akamas peninsula. It’s observed usually singly (especially in winter) and more rarely in small groups (migration period, mostly during autumn).

It soars and scans its area looking for prey or it perches on a tree or another vantage point (e.g. electricity pole) and when it spots something it attempts a stoop to catch it.

It feeds on a very wide gamut of prey, but mainly with small to medium sized mammals (mice and rats). It’s a medium sized bird of prey, with a wingspan of 110-130 cm., with a significant variety in coloration. Usually it’s dark brown with a white ‘shirt’ or striped breast when it’s perched.

Buteo buteo

Common Buzzard

Did you know...

It soars and scans its area looking for prey or it perches on a tree or another vantage point (e.g. electricity pole) and when it spots something it attempts a stoop to catch it.