Migratory (spring: March – April, autumn: August – October) and breeding bird on the island, including Akamas peninsula. Some birds possibly stay throughout the year on the island. The population of the species that overwinters in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and along the Nile river valley up to its estuary at the Mediterranean sea, as well as along the northwestern African coast, migrates mainly to Europe and parts of western Asia where it breeds.
A small ground dwelling species, that belongs in the Pheasant family like the Partridge. Blends in nature thus very hard to spot. It’s earth like colors (brownish with the male having a black throat and the female beige – whitish) give it a very good camouflage.
Its characteristic call is frequently heard though, with the males calling to attract the females and mark their territory. When it’s ‘flushed’ from the ground, it flies suddenly and often from very close, with fast wingbeats initially and then with fast and low glide it drops down in the shrubs again in relatively close range.
Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 15:00
Sun: closed