A resident bird of Cyprus and the Akamas peninsula. During autumn and winter, flocks from central and northern Europe arrive additionally to the island. It’s usually seen in flocks, sometimes very large, in a large range of habitats.
It nests on trees, constructing a rudimentary nest made by few twigs, usually in forested areas. It’s food is primarily of plant origin (mainly seeds, germs, young leaves, fruits). It makes daily movements (often in large flocks) from the roosting to the feeding and watering areas, returning back at late afternoon for roosting.
It’s the largest pigeon species met in Cyprus, obviously bigger than the feral pigeon, with a bulkier body. It has a uniformly greyish back, a grey-bluish head with an obvious white patch, tangential with an iridescent green area. The underbody (breast, belly) is purplish. In flight it shows the characteristic wide white zones on the wings.
Mon-Sat: 10:00 – 15:00
Sun: closed